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Species Info

Species Information

More Coming Soon

New York Invasive Species Profiles


Each year, through the

 Invasive Species Tiers Process, we identify species which may be under-reported. You can help by reporting observations of these species:


Training Modules


MISIN has created excellent, concise

training modules on species identification, including quizzes.

Identification Videos

  • YouTube

SLELO invasives 

  • YouTube
  • YouTube

Western NY invasives

  • YouTube

Finger Lakes invasives

Identification Guides

The iMapInvasives Network has compiled some favorite species ID guides here.

With so many different invasive species, it helps to have a framework for prioritizing them. The species tier lists use a standardized approach based on the invasion curve to categorize species with current data and expert input.

There are hundreds of invasive species in New York 
Which ones are the most important to monitor and manage?

Educator Resources

Educator Resources

We are excited to have iMapInvasives used in the classroom - the online tool is a great way to engage students through technology, and the data collected goes to the NS state database to help natural resource professionals. Contact us for more information.

Are you a middle school or high school science teacher that would like to explore invasive species with your class?  In partnership with iMapInvasives, the DEC has developed an invasive species curriculum for students in 6th-12th grade.

Invasive Species Curriculum

Additional Resources

Newsletters & Blog

Newsletters & Blog

View our past newsletters for articles written by the iMap Team, our partners, and users of iMapInvasives

For the latest news, view our new blog or follow us on social media!


Nov 2023

Stiltgrass, Swallowtails & Sweet Coltsfoot, Oh My!

by Erin Norton

A field season filled with invasive species and their complex relationships with biodiversity.


Read about the accomplishments of the NY iMapInvasives team for 2024, including new analysis tools, data metrics, and more!

For help documents, tutorials and training about using iMapInvasives, please see our Self-Guided Training resources

Request Help

Request Help

Questions or comments? Issues with website or mobile app? Let us know here, and we will do our best to help you within one business day.

Thanks for submitting!

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