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What is iMap?

What is iMapInvasives?

iMapInvasives is an on-line, collaborative GIS-based invasive species database and mapping tool used in several jurisdictions across North America (see NatureServe's iMapInvasives Story Map). In New York State, iMapInvasives is the official state invasive species database used for:​

Who We Are

Who We Are

NY iMapInvasives is managed by the Invasive Species Database Program at the New York Natural Heritage Program (NYNHP), which is a partnership between SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry and the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, with funding from the New York State Environmental Protection Fund.

NY State Partners

New York State Partners

Partnerships for Regional Invasive Species Management (PRISMs)

New York State is divided into 8 PRISMs which coordinate invasive species management at the regional level. PRISM efforts include implementing eradication and control efforts, developing early detection and rapid response capacity, coordinating with local partners, recruiting and training volunteers,  and delivering education and outreach. View map above or click the logos below to learn more about each PRISM. To stay up-to-date on invasive species management in your region, join your PRISM listserve.

Other NY State Partners

Partners Beyond NY

Partners Beyond New York

An international network connecting science with conservation.  The NatureServe Network empowers people to sustain biodiversity by making sure everyone has access to the knowledge they need to be better stewards of our shared lands and waters.

The iMapInvasives Network is comprised of organizations across North America that host the iMapInvasives database in their respective state or province.

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